I am looking for info how to use spice to connect many userst to a farm
of virtual machines.
For a fund raising demo I would like to use aSpice with our logo, how
can I do that?
I think KVM is a good idea to use for virtualization, I am also looking
for info what would be the best OS
to use. There are lists, like
We are looking at Ubuntu right now with KVM and Lubuntu and Demian as
VMs any suggestions welcome!
When a user signs-on, a new virtual machine should automatically be
created with spice enabled (display spice), and the user should get the
port number to be able to connect to the vm.
Any suggestions appreciated, also links to people who can give advice,
we are planning our project Citizen`s Island <https://citizensisland.com/>
thank you in advance,
Thinsia Research <https://www.thinsia.com/>
Roland Sassen
Eeserstr. 14
9531 CM Borger
tel.: +31 599820288
m: +31 640223112
email sas...@thinsia.com
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