I'm in the process of setting up a Windows 10 (x64) VM with an NVIDIA
Quadro P1000 GPU (using PCI passthrough).  The GPU will be used only for
video processing, so it has no displays connected, and access to the
VM's user interface is via RDP or (preferably) SPICE.

I have everything working, right up to the point at which I install the
SPICE Guest Tools, specifically the guest agent.  As soon as the agent
is installed, the VM stops responding to any mouse actions; the pointer
is still visible, but it has no effect.

I am able to connect to the guest with RDP and stop the SPICE VDAgent
service.  As soon as the service is stopped, the mouse begins working
again in the SPICE console (and restarting the agent again causes the
mouse to stop working, etc.).

This seems to be related to the "hidden KVM" feature that is required
by the NVIDIA drivers.

    <hidden state='on'/>

Without this flag, the NVIDIA drivers refuse to load in a virtual
machine, giving a "Code 43" error.

If I remove these lines from my guest's domain XML, I an able to enable
the SPICE agent in my Windows 10 guest without breaking my mouse, but of
course the NVIDIA GPU doesn't work.

Is there any way that this combination can be made to work?

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