> Hi SPICE community!
>     After thinking a while on the discussion in the thread:
> "SPICE: changing the merge rules - a proposal"
> I would like to come back on the topic and make explicit the way merge
> requests, changes and reviews are expected to be managed in our
> community. The core points that seems to me all of us want and agree
> upon are:
> * Each merge request / patch should get a review (trivial patches may be
> an exception and be merged without review).
> * Each merge request / patch should get a review in a timely manner.
> Note that the meaning of "timely" and what a "trivial" patch is are not
> defined: I think this is exactly the point for an open source community.
> We don't want strict rules that force people to contribute in a specific
> way or under a strict time-frame and I (we) trust each other to do the
> right thing in respect of the project and the community. This is enough
> once there are clear guidelines.
> There could be errors from time to time, sure... but as long as we stay
> together and collaborate as a community, they can be easily fixed.
> Unfortunately enforcing some strict rules was exactly what I tried to do
> in my previous mail. It may have brought tension to our community and
> that was not my intention, sorry for that.
> So, for the sake of clarity for actual and future contributors, if we
> want to write down a short and simple list of "rules" (guidelines) for
> contributing to the SPICE project, I would say they could be:
> 1) Get a review before merging a non-trivial patch
> 2) Keep asking reviews more and more if not getting one
> 3) Ensure each one asking a review gets one in a timely manner
> I would love to read your comments, opinions and ideas.
> Francesco

  I think these guidelines are fair and good.

Probably they are a bit "essentials" and many questions (like you said
for instance various definitions) could arise.

I noted that the page on https://www.spice-space.org/developers.html
is pretty outdated.


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