Sirs; I have had a problem installing "spice-gtk". I have installed without problem - opus, vala, spice, opus, spice-protocol, six & pyparsing. Attached is a screenshot of the error while running -
./# installpkg spice-gtk.SlackBuild Did the programmer fail to "end the file" properly or did I make a mistake. You are my only hope of settling this question. Without your amicable help, I will fail to installSpice-gtk then fail to install Remmina, then fail at preforming the task required of me to "adda folder in Windows to the Desktop" on my Linux (Slackware) box for the "IT Support Pro" Certification by Google/Coursera. This RDP - Remmina is mandated by Coursera to accomplishthis simple task. The part of this that has been a real challenge is the installing of .tar.gz on Slackware. If you use Slack, then you know how difficult this can be for a Novice. I have accomplished this - as you can obviously see - but, I am having trouble with your package. Could you take a look and tell me if this is a fatal error or can I just - "Ctrl-C" out and move on to the other dependencies for Remmina - vte3 and json-glib and libsodium and freerdp withoutany consequences? Thank you ever so much for your Reply. W David
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