the community around the SPICE project always tried to follow one
fundamental, implicit rule for accepting code contributions to the
project: every merge request (beside trivial patches) should be reviewed
and acked at least by one before getting merged.
While everyone agrees with this fundamental rule, the actual status of
some SPICE projects makes the rule impractical to let the project move
Let's consider the spice/spice project as an example: the number of
contributions is very low, both on the commit side (only 4 different
contributors with more than 1 commit from the beginning of the year, and
a single contributor with 90% of commits) and on the review side (in the
last 40 merge requests before the C++ switch one, 21 had no comments).
The x11spice project is another example: we have only 4 contributors
from the beginning of the year (and a single contributor holding 70% of
the commits) and the reviews on the gitlab merge requests have been
provided by two people only, each one reviewing the merge requests of
the other.
For the sake of having the projects being able to move forward with a
reduced number of contributors/reviewers, the proposal is to *allow* a
maintainer to merge a Merge Request without an explicit ack if the three
following conditions are met:
1) The Merge Request has been pending for at least 3 weeks without
getting new comments
2) The Merge Request submitter has kept asking a review on a weekly basis
3) There are no pending nacks on the Merge Request
Note that having patches reviewed would still be the preferred way. If
at any time the number of contributors would raise again, we can switch
back to the mandatory review rule. Until then the priority is to allow
the project to move forward.
What do you think? Please share your thoughts and/or contribute with
your own ideas.
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