The key feature is a pipeline "X framebuffer -> FBC -> VRAM -> NVENC". This is done via hardware+nvidia driver. NVENC can get its data via CUDA, OpenGL or DirectX. CUDA is not an option by some reasons (requires Quadro configurations of vGPU only that requires more expensive licenses, and some hardware constraints), DirectX is Win only. OpenGL left as the only option. There is an option to grab framebuffer to system memory instead of VRAM and then somehow copy that memory area to NVENC but I didn't learn it because that leads to copying overhead :( I don't know more controls for FBC that could run with display=off.
27.04.2020, 16:28, "Uri Lublin" <>:
On 4/27/20 3:24 PM, wrote:
I can set display=off of course. But in that case Nvidia FBC
(FrameBuffer Capturing) is unusable. But we try to make and use a plugin
that uses that feature. I use GRID vGPUs. xorg.conf is set to use nvidia
card -- it's the same config that works with gst-plugin.
Maybe try to modify some settings in FBC, such that it works with
27.04.2020, 15:20, "Uri Lublin" <>:
On 4/27/20 11:31 AM, Oleg Krutov wrote:
We are trying to make plugin which uses nvidia FBC + NVENC
instead of
gst-plugin. When using FBC, I must set "display" to "on", else
FBC is
reporting as not supported. I can't do the trick with
qxl+nvidia with
display off as with gst-plugin. Thus, two spice windows
appear, one with
main display channel with choppy video, and second -- with h264
compressed captured video. There is no mouse controls in
second window,
and first window consumes much cpu and network bandwidth when
video or
dynamic graphics is displayed. So it would be great to stop output
primary display and redirect agent's video stream into it. Is
it somehow
possible? Thank you.
Отправлено из мобильного приложения Яндекс.Почты
Why can you not set display=off ?
Did you configure your X server to use the NVIDIA GPU or the QXL ?
What NVIDIA card and driver are you using ?
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