On 8/11/19 1:02 PM, Frediano Ziglio wrote:
Do it by adding @end tag.
Without it 'name' is a non-allocated pointer.
Signed-off-by: Uri Lublin <u...@redhat.com>
Is there a better way to do it ?
Is not clear what you are trying to achieve with this patch.
The problem is currently name is defined as a pointer
but is not allocated.
The generated code tries to memcpy data into name, which is
wrong. I see now the patch is missing a part -- more below.
tests/test-marshallers.proto | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/tests/test-marshallers.proto b/tests/test-marshallers.proto
index 34cc892..eabd487 100644
--- a/tests/test-marshallers.proto
+++ b/tests/test-marshallers.proto
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ channel TestChannel {
} ShortDataSubMarshall;
message {
- int8 name[];
+ int8 name[] @end;
} ArrayMessage;
message {
Wondering where this message is used, I cannot find much references
to it beside autogenerated code.
I think it is not used.
There's a declaration for the type:
typedef struct {
int8_t *name;
} SpiceMsgMainArrayMessage;
Yes, this is wrong too -- it needs to be int8_t name[0].
I tried to use the code to generate the structure definitions and
I got this instead
typedef struct SpiceMsgMainArrayMessage {
int8_t name[0];
} SpiceMsgMainArrayMessage;
That's correct. Maybe we should auto-generate this .h file.
The demarshaller seems to not allocate space for the field which
seems quite a problem (maybe this is detected by Coverity??).
It is indeed detected by covscan.
I remember I had a patch with some notes about possible
security concerned mix of attributes, maybe this was one
There are no occurrences of this mix in spice.proto, either
you have @end or @as_ptr not arrays with unspecified length.
And this patch is adding @end.
I'll send a V2 -- changing tests/test-marshallers.h too
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