On 04/11/2018 05:12 AM, molo wrote:
?0?2 ?0?2 thx for your letter in reply.
?0?2 ?0?2 1??some picture attached that you can not see?0?2 may be forbidden??
because i am in China??within the Great Wall ??
Not this time , i can see it ;)?0?2 try to access the folder as Victor
mentioned-?0?2 http://localhost:9843/
(usually you should see it mounted as Z: drive)
?0?2 ?0?2 2??the software version is:
?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 spice-webdavd version: 2.2
?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2?0?2spice-server version??0.12.8
?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2?0?2libsoup version??2.60.3
?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 phodav version??2.2
?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 ?0?2 all software above?0?2 may be?0?2latest??
?0?2 ?0?2 3??you said it should run a script??can u provide it to me??and how
to use it??
just run it, should be in C:\Program Files\SPICE webdavd\map-drive.bat
?0?2 ?0?2 4??if the script does not work ???0?2how to confirm the problem caused
by the spice-webdavd server or the spice-webdavd?0?2client??
Best regards??
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