On 22/03/18 14:18, Eduardo Lima (Etrunko) wrote:
> Here is the result of work in progress with replacing autotools with
> Meson. I am sending the patches on the ML for easier visualization, but
> if you want to try it, I would really recommend pulling from my gitlab
> repositories, e.g.:
>   $ git remote add etrunko https://gitlab.com/etrunko/spice-protocol
>   $ git remote add etrunko https://gitlab.com/etrunko/spice-common
>   $ git remote add etrunko https://gitlab.com/etrunko/spice-server

Woops, the correct URL for spice-server is

  $ git remote add etrunko https://gitlab.com/etrunko/spice

Just a small heads up that I updated the branch fixing gitlab script. It
will now run the tests, but as some of them fail, gitlab still reports
failure as end result.


> The development branch is named meson for all repositories.
> - Requirements:
> Python >= 3.5, as required by meson itself.
> The required Meson version is 0.45.0, which includes some interesting
> features for the specific use case of subprojects, just like
> spice-common.
> Recent distros are probably still lagging behind on the package version,
> but there is an easy way to upgrade meson, by installing a new version
> on your $HOME/.local directory with python 'pip'.
>   $ pip3 install --upgrade --user meson
> After downloading the meson package, it is necessary to tell python
> where to find it, via the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
>   $ export PYTHONPATH='$HOME/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
> Then you are ready to go.
> - Basic workflow:
> With Meson, building in-tree is not possible at all, so we need to pass
> a directory as argument to meson where we want the build to be done.
> This has the advantage of creating builds with different options under
> the same parent directory, e.g.:
>   $ meson ./build --prefix=/usr
>   $ meson ./build-extra -Dextra-checks=true -Dalignment-checks=true
> This is equivalent to the autogen/configure step in autotools. Meson
> itself is only responsible for the configure phase, where it creates
> the files that will be used by another lower level build-system, which
> will actually do the build. The default one is ninja.
>   $ ninja -C ./build
>   $ ninja -C ./build install
> Ninja defaults to parallel builds, and this can be changed with the -j
> flag.
>   $ ninja -j 10 -C ./build
> - Done:
> Protocol, common and server.
> - Missing:
>   * Server:
>     - tests need to be adjusted so the executable can run in a path
>       other than the source files.
>     - version generation with git-version-gen if building from tarball.
>       IMHO, git-version-gen could be removed.
>     - Checks (syntax, etc), in maint.mk and cfg.mk, that are done whith
>       make distcheck.
>   * Spice Gtk:
>     - Work in progress, but it will not interfere as much with other
>       projects, especially spice-common, as server did. When ready to be
>       used I will follow the same structure as others.
> - Hacking:
> Meson has a python-like syntax and it is very well documented. The key
> files are:
>   * meson.build: Mandatory for the project root and usually found under
>                  each directory you want something to be built.
>   * meson_options.txt: Options that can interfere with the result of the
>                        build.
> For more details, please refer to the websites of each project:
>   http://mesonbuild.com
>   http://ninja-build.org
> --
> Eduardo de Barros Lima (Etrunko)
> Software Engineer - RedHat
> etru...@redhat.com
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Eduardo de Barros Lima (Etrunko)
Software Engineer - RedHat
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