
I've recently developed a set of gobject bindings for spice-server. The
code is available here:


This parallels SpiceClientGLib to allow language bindings to easily control
server instances.

The API coverage is by no means yet complete, but what is there is
sufficient to implement a proxy
(included) that chains from SpiceClientGLib to pass through a basic screen,
keyboard and mouse.

Would there be any interest in adopting this into the core code? If so, how
and where would it fit?
If at all possible, I would like to see this upstream - the present code is
close to meeting my
immediate needs, but I have a certain amount of time available to round out
the API coverage
and adapt the code as needed for inclusion, if it is possible to do so.

(The end use I have in mind involves a proxy that modifies screen data to
add transparent
overlays, etc. - but this could equally be used for any other sort of
application to easily present
an interface over Spice)

Best regards
Matthew Francis
Spice-devel mailing list

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