On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 05:26:47AM -0400, Frediano Ziglio wrote:
> > 
> > The quic code goes through a function pointer in two places in order to
> > try to prevent the compiler from inlining code. This does not say why
> > we don't want that code to be inlined. Removing this hack even made the
> > resulting object file slightly smaller (600 bytes) on my fedora 26.
> > 
> I agree the hack is ugly. Was documented but looking at the code
> for me is pretty clear. Developers want to make sure that
> write_io_word is inlined while __write_io_word is not.

Yes, I got that far, but *why* was it desired? Is this just a matter
of code size? If yes, how bad was it at the time, is it better now? If
not, what was the problem this was solving? This is what I meant by


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