
On Fri, 2017-07-28 at 09:15 +0200, Christophe de Dinechin wrote:
> > On 27 Jul 2017, at 17:07, Marc-André Lureau <marcandre.lur...@redhat.com>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Hi
> > 
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > I think we should rather find a consensus on the mailing list rather
> > > > than
> > > > avoiding the discussion.
> > > 
> > > “Avoiding the discussion" sounds like a cheap and unjustified shot. Please
> > > discuss.
> > 
> > You are the one making proposal, you should come up with rationale. but ok
> As I wrote, the rationale was discussed on this list between yesterday and
> today. I’ll repeat it here. Now, you were the one saying there were
> “problems”. I cannot guess the problems you have with my proposals if you
> don’t discuss them.
> > 
> > > 
> > > > 
> > 
> > - Use gitlab/github as primary, make freedesktop a mirror *?
> > 
> > What benefit does that bring?
> It is to get these additional features, that AFAIK freedesktop lacks:
> 1. Continuous integration

it can be done through mirrors (it is the case for the gitlab mirror)

> 2. Merge requests or pull requests
> 3. Being actually open (reported by Christophe Fergeau). For example, it took
> me 6 months to get a working freedesktop account

Yeah, you have to ping someone to open the account

> > The canonical source is hosted on freedesktop for ages.
> That does not need to change.
> > The role of this is a stable & controlled git repo to pull/push code to.
> Why do I get a sense that “controlled” is the keyword here? ;-)
> > Moving it to a different location doesn't change that. Using github/gitlab
> > as mirrors allows to have all the benefits of those hosting services.
> To the best of my knowledge, that statement is incorrect
> Specifically, we cannot enable merge requests on a mirror easily, because that
> means if we accept the merge request on gitlab, then gitlab is ahead of
> freedesktop, and when we push from freedesktop, that push is either rejected,
> or if we use push -f, we lose the merge.

You never push to a mirror.

> Similarly, continuous integration on development branches,

Nothing block people from having ci/scripts to test their branches. Nowadays
people can fork our repos at gitlab and get a simple CI for free.
We can give this advice in README.

Also a committer can push the patches to her/his gitlab fork to make sure
everything is OK (before pushing to the main repo).

>  i.e. before we actually merge them, is not possible with freedesktop, even
> less so if your sense of “control” means you feel it’s OK to delete a review
> branch I push there without asking me first. All that is a bit moot anyway,
> because Google “freedesktop continuous integration” gives me nothing on the
> first page. 
> > So why?
> Because I think that continuous integration and a list of pending merge
> requests are more important than preserving the “we have been doing that for
> ages” comfort zone.
> > 
> > - Rename spice as spice-server
> - To unambiguously leave ‘spice’ as the name for a top-level repository.
> - So that mail-processing script does not have to do extra ad-hockery to map
> [PATCH spice-server] to a repo not named spice-server
> Apparently, I’m not the first one to have the (obvious) idea, cf https://cgit.
> freedesktop.org/spice/spice-server (yet another confusing thing for newbies ;-
> )
> > - Rename other repositories so that all children repos begin with 'spice-' *
> > 
> > I wasn't aware of that discussion, but changing a project name brings a
> > number of issues for distributions and people watching releases etc.
> > Renaming stuff is always problematic, what is the benefit?
> Mostly to disambiguate between modules we really own (most of them) and
> modules that seem to be external dependencies for the spice project. For
> example, are libcacard or usbredir used by other projects?
> Is spice/qemu an external dependency, is it there fore convenience? Or is that
> just obsolete? What about spice/spicec, spice/vdesktop, … I have a feeling
> there are a few stale repositories there.
> The logical structure found in https://cgit.freedesktop.org/spice is nice.
> It’s not clearly visible e.g. on spice-space.org. And AFAIK, it’s not visible
> to git.
> > 
> > - Create top-level repository with all others repositories as submodules (if
> > we use 'spice-server', that one would be called 'spice') *
> > 
> > Isn't this already the case? https://cgit.freedesktop.org/spice/
> If that’s the case, it’s cool. But it looks like a group of repositories in
> freedesktop, more than a repository with submodules. What is the git clone
> command to clone that top-level repo?
> Having a top-level repository makes work on branches that impact multiple
> components easier.
For you, not for me :)

>  Case in point today: streaming impacts server, protocol, agent, client, etc.
> So being able to easily switch to the “stream” branch and update protocol,
> agent, client and server in one command (ok, two, git checkout following by
> git submodule update) is useful.

It is really a personal thing, I'd not spend time implementing it on a global
level (a super repository). [1]

> > 
> > How you really mean "git submodules".. Eh, what's the point? Sounds very
> > wrong and useless to me, it will be constantly outdated.. Write a script
> > instead?
> What I really mean is something like this: https://gitlab.com/c3d/spice. I did
> that quickly, but ultimately, I’d like to have READMEs and global build
> scripts, to put spice-space repositories under “docs”, that kind of things.
> > 
> > - Make spice-protocol a submodule of modules that use it 
> > 
> > We have been there before with spice-gtk/spice-common, and it was reverted.
> But spice-common is still a submodule, so I don’t understand why you bring it
> up. Unless you are talking about removal of spice-protocol in spice 0.12.6 ?
> If that’s the case, I don’t see much of a discussion around https://lists.free
> desktop.org/archives/spice-devel/2015-August/021312.html, just the
> justification “it’s stable, so we don’t need to bundle it”. I looked in the
> mails for the three months prior to that looking for clues as to why
> submodules were such a problem, didn’t find any.
> > The main issue was that every project ended-up bundling spice-protocol.
> Well, that’s sort of the point of submodules. I don’t see how this is a
> problem.
> > (and others keep complaining about various submodules issues)
> Let me guess: dangling SHA1 because people kept forgetting to push changes to
> the submodule? Hmmm, but if the module is stable, that should practically
> never happen.
> > Since spice-protocol is very stable, it's actually best to keep it
> > standalone.
> From a git perspective, this sentence makes no sense whatsoever. Most
> submodule-related issues tend to occur with active submodules, not with stable
> ones.
> In any case, right now there are changes related to streaming. The diffs look
> like this: https://github.com/SPICE/spice-protocol/compare/master...c3d:stream
> .
> I find it annoying that the “canonical” source for these changes is, to the
> best of my understanding, git://people.freedesktop.org/~fziglio/spice-
> protocol, a personal branch. 

The patches were sent to the ML for a review. It is a Frediano's branch, nothing
official. The author has right to break the things if he wants.

> That’s OK as long as Frediano is the only one working on it. But that’s no
> longer the case. So now, we all build servers that have this implicit
> requirement that you need some personal branch hidden somewhere on the
> Internet (go look it up), with no dedicated version number, and API stability
> sounds just like a misguided on-principle excuse to avoid addressing a very
> concrete problem.

Once the patches get reviewed, they may be merged to the master branch.
What is a difference between a personal branch and a branch at the offical repo?

I don't see a point of maintaining more branches (especially personal) at

> > In all cases, it's a pain to change that, so please no…
> Well, the change that removed it looks like this: https://lists.freedesktop.or
> g/archives/spice-devel/2015-August/021312.html. Is that really a pain? Or is
> there more to it?
> I’m not advocating against making separate builds for spice-protocol. I’m
> advocating against developing changes to spice-server and spice-client that
> require an ad-hoc personal branch, 

Why? I hope I can still have my own branches :)

> without letting us know if / when that branch changes. Something which
> submodule deal with perfectly.

You can
 * have a copy of the commits at your git repo
 * contact the author of the patches
 * keep a reference to the repo with the patches (git remote add..)
 * review the patches and make them go to the master branch of the official repo
   (probably the best option)


> > - Use merge requests or pull requests for my own code *
> > - Have others use merge requests or pull requests *
> > - Require patches to also be sent to mailing list for all merge/pull
> > requests *
> > 
> > As long as patch are reviewed on ML, I am fine with all that.
> Good. Thanks.

[1] When I work with multiple branches, I simply install the stuff (eg.
stream/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/home/pgrunt/dev-stream ).
Another thing you can do is to create rpms and install them (switch between
them). I am used to it. I'd be confused with the super top level git repo.
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