On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 03:00:27PM +0200, Christophe de Dinechin wrote:
> No, that’s not correct (at least for me). The review itself can happen over 
> mail,
> what I find inefficient is:
> a) to get the list of things to review, and
> b) to get a working version of the code after patching


> For b), Im not talking about git am. You may not realize that just
> figuring out which of our 17 repositories (not including personal
> ones) some particular patch applies to is not always obvious.

Patches sent to this mailing list should apply to git master, the name
of the project this applies too is supposed to be present in the email
subject. Occasionally, a series won't apply on master because a
conflicting patch was pushed, or a series will have a dependency on
another one. When a series is not meant to apply on git master, this
should be made very clear in the cover letter.

Another thing which can get tricky is when a spice patch depends on a
spice-common patch, which requires a spice-protocol change :)

Is this what you were talking about?


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