On 06/22/2017 12:38 AM, Jeremy White wrote:
Alright, it's up on gitlab now:

Looks like there isn't any obvious way for me to ask to edit the
pages; I was going to point to this link as a release file:

The pages are here
I fumbled my way through this.  I couldn't figure out how to get pelican
to run on my box to do this as I would prefer, and then ended up doing
it all online.  Creepy.  If you're not doing a  is it
really development?
Probably not :) but i guess git send-email to here it fine too.
In the process, I fumbled and overlooked your patch Snir; that was my
mistake.  I think the change I made is fundamentally the same - I'm not
sure who is processing pull requests, but in theory, I have one hanging
out there for this change.

Sorry for creating confusion on this.
Seems like the request is from the wiki branch, anyway i would just
add the link to the release under the "x11spice" , if it's ok with you.




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