> These are the patches that haven't been merged yet. The first patch is fairly
> straightforward and has only a couple minor changes from the previous review.
> The second patch has some improvements as well, even though nobody really
> reviewed it last time. It still contains a lot of open questions (usually

Tried but really is complicated with both comments and not.
I was thinking about writing some "visual" tool to see what's really doing
but not easy to do either.

> marked with 'XXX'). I spent quite a while trying to resolve more of these and
> didn't feel I was gaining much more insight. I'm not sure it's beneficial for
> me to spend a lot more time trying to decipher all of this code. In my

Hard to say.

> opinion
> having some partial documentation with open questions is better than having
> no
> documentation, though.

Sure. However I would mark the comments in a different way. XXX usually
is a to do item or a fixme for the code, in this case is something
related to the comment itself. The risk is that the next person that
as to work on the code assume from the comments that there are something
wrong in the code.

No much suggestion on how to say that... "NOT CLEAR" ?

> Jonathon Jongsma (2):
>   DisplayChannel: start documenting drawable tree
>   DisplayChannel: document exclude_region() functions
>  server/display-channel.c | 254
>  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  server/tree.c            |  12 ++-
>  server/tree.h            |   6 ++
>  3 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

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