On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 10:05:13AM -0500, Frediano Ziglio wrote:
> The answer you probably want is to "Why we do in this way instead of doing
> at lower level?"
> This would require a way to say "now flush data" if you don't want
> to reimplement some sort of "smart" Nagle algorithm, which we are
> disabling to avoid latencies. I'm sending the patches to add lower
> level APIs for flushing since a year, repeatedly with explanations and
> statistics so the answer is apparently "Because the team seems to not want
> a lower level implementation"

I would not try to guess the team intent :) As far as I'm concerned, I
did not look at it mostly for bandwidth reasons (and then memory loss
issues ;). If the low-level version is a better way to address this (imo
it's likely to be), then this patch would have been a good opportunity
to discuss it, rather than just seeing this patch without the
I'll go dig these patches now... (and I would have preferred that this
is not pushed before we finish that conversation...)


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