> On 27 Feb 2017, at 23:18, Jonathon Jongsma <jjong...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-02-27 at 17:53 +0100, Christophe de Dinechin wrote:
>> I tried to setup a multi-head guest, but I’m having trouble getting
>> multiple displays to work correctly
>> For Jonathon, the part that I had trouble with was adding “heads =
>> ‘4’" to the video / QXL configuration. I don’t see it documented in
>> https://www.spice-space.org/spice-user-
>> manual.html#_multiple_monitor_support.
> Yep, it's a fairly new feature. I'm working on additional multi-monitor 
> documentation and will be sure to include that.


>> For Christophe F, what I get with the configuration file http://paste
>> bin.com/FEXbjaE3 is shown in the following picture https://redskincat
>> .wordpress.com/2017/02/27/learning-more-about-mesa/#jp-carousel-1224.
>> As far as I remember, this is pretty much a default configuration of
>> Fedora 25 after install from the live CD. If I understand correctly,
>> the difference with you is that I actually installed.
>> Does anybody else see this? If not, what could be wrong with my
>> setup?
> I don't see anything obviously wrong with the configuration. If you
> close the spice client and immediately re-connect does it still show
> the same thing in both windows?

Yes. It reopens two windows, both with monitor 2.

> Can you capture the debug output of running virt-viewer with the --
> debug and --spice-debug options while you enable the second monitor?
> That might give a clue about what's happening.

Attached. I find it suspicious that we only have surface id 0.

(virt-viewer:16396): GSpice-DEBUG: channel-display.c:1746 display-2:0: monitor 
id: 0, surface id: 0, +0+0-1152x768

There’s also this message:

(virt-viewer:16396): GSpice-DEBUG: channel-main.c:1492 Not sending monitors 
config, at least one monitor must have dimensions


> Thanks,
> Jonathon

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