> This third argument (and the 'item' member of
> RedChannelClient::priv::send_data) was a somewhat roundabout way to keep
> the RedPipeItem alive until a message is sent, just in case some data
> owned by that pipeitem was added to the marshaller by reference. This
> was a rather confusing mechanism, however, since it did not have any
> obvious connection to the _add_by_ref() call. It was never very clear
> whether you needed to pass an item to this function or not. The previous
> series of patches made this parameter unnecessary since the referencing
> of the pipe item (or other related structure) is now more explicitly
> connected to the calls to spice_marshaller_add_by_ref_full().
> ---
>  server/inputs-channel-client.c      |  2 +-
>  server/inputs-channel.c             |  6 +++---
>  server/main-channel-client.c        | 32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
>  server/red-channel-client-private.h |  1 -
>  server/red-channel-client.c         | 17 +----------------
>  server/red-channel-client.h         |  2 +-
>  6 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

It does not compile, there are some missing changes

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