This set contains small fixes, const/static changes
and other style changes.

Frediano Ziglio (14):
  Remove small possible buffer overflow
  Fix include syntax
  Make DisplayMode setter methods const
  Do not print function calling vd_printf
  Make session_events static and const
  Reuse SPICE_N_ELEMENTS macro
  Make static and constant some lookup arrays
  Make some members constant
  Fails CCD initialisation if get_config_buffers detect WDDM is not
  Make CCD::load_api throw exception by its own
  Get D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromDeviceName and
    D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromDeviceName independently
  Use a single class for every escape command
  Use std::vector for agent capabilities
  Use simpler classes for mutex handling

 common/vdcommon.h                 |  39 ++++++++++--
 vdagent/desktop_layout.cpp        |   1 -
 vdagent/desktop_layout.h          |  16 ++---
 vdagent/display_configuration.cpp | 123 ++++++++++++++++----------------------
 vdagent/display_configuration.h   |  19 +++++-
 vdagent/display_setting.cpp       |   2 +-
 vdagent/vdagent.cpp               |  76 ++++++++++-------------
 vdservice/vdservice.cpp           |  13 ++--
 8 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)


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