
I have spent time to fix the keyboard layout in spice-html5. I went to the 
conclusion the keyboard layout cannot be configured on client (html5) side as 
Xorg receives key code it interpretes. What ever the key face the user has 
typed (A or Q) Xorg will map to the character depending of its configuration.

The drawback was on my setup Xspice ignores my keyboard config and the only way 
I found to force my keyboard layout was to launch setxkbmap from .xinitrc.

I kept the same structure around utils.js, atKeynames.js and inputs.js. In 
atKeynames I mapped the Xorg symbols defined in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols. 
This way, all the non changing keys (like ESCAPE) through the different layouts 
are well defined and the others are map to symbols like AD01. In some how it's 
kept readable...

Then I have updated utils.js and inputs.js in consequence.

Please find attached my diff file as a proposal. Tests and comments are very 

Thanks and regards,

_/) Eric Grammatico.

Attachment: spice-html5.diff
Description: Binary data

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