Small bugs, that I found when working on windows shared folder auto mounting

Theese patches were already ACKed by elmarco, but since the last one
(the big one) wasn't ACKed, the patches weren't pushed.

There's work to be done on automounting itself, but theese patches would
just sit in the mailing list, until I complete the automounting itself.

Lukas Venhoda (4):
  spice-webdavd: Safer MDNS Unregister
  spice-webdavd: Hide client folder when sharing disabled
  spice-webdavd: Alert when CreateFile fails
  spice-webdavd: Option to run without service on Windows

 spice/spice-webdavd.c | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)


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