Hello, Frediano.

Option "-mno-unaligned-access" doesn't help. Got a lot of "Alignment trap". No 
additional code such as __aeabi_uread4() has added by the compiler. No runtime 
checks. Looks like it just ignored. GCC 4.8.2.


Like stated here:


Would globally enabled aligned reads decrease an overall performance?

27.11.2015, 16:56, "Frediano Ziglio" <fzig...@redhat.com>:
>>  Anton, which architecture it's your machine. Could be that using some
>>  gcc options would make the compiler generate only aligned access
>>  instructions.
> Can you try to add -mno-unaligned-access option to your CFLAGS ?
> Frediano

Anton D. Kachalov

ITO, System Architect
Tel: 7 (495) 739-70-00 ext.7613
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