
On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 06:06:34AM -0500, Marc-André Lureau wrote:
> - branch the module and submodule for the feature X
> - properly track submodule for changes just like any other change in the repo
> - make sure to run autogen or git submodule update when switching
> branches (this is usually the "pain" people have with git submodule
> because they are lazy and assume that git checkout will do it for you,
> I think).
> - if needed, in order to share the protocol changes, I use
> a "common" spice-protocol with the features branch, as a remote for
> the submodules, ex:
>  ~/src/spice-protocol (the common repo)
>   virgl
>   mime-clipboard
>  ~/src/spice-{gtk/server}/spice-common/spice-protocol
>   remotes/dev/virgl
>   remotes/dev/mime-clipboard 
> I hope that helps

Yup, thanks, this is fairly similar to what I'm doing (though I'll make
a few tweaks to my setup after reading this). Note that having
spice-protocol as a submodule during development actually means more
steps, not less:

With spice-protocol submodule of spice-common which itself is a
submodule of spice-gtk/spice-protocol:
- make the changes in the spice-protocol submodule
  (spice-gtk/spice-common/spice-protocol for example)
- update the spice-protocol reference in the spice-common submodule
- hack in spice-gtk

To use the same changes in spice, you then have to
- propagate the changes you made to spice-protocol/spice-common to
- hack in spice
I find the latter to be more convenient than to keep making sure submodules
are up to date.

If you don't use a spice-protocol submodule:
- make the changes in the spice-protocol submodule
- make install
- hack in spice-gtk
- hack in spice

If you want to build a spice-gtk version depending on new changes in
spice-protocol, then in the no submodule case, you'll have the extra
step(s) of updating spice-protocol and make install'ing it, but once
again, there are updates only every few months.


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