On 09/09/2014 15:00, Han Pilmeyer wrote:
The problems I see:
- Sound and video are out of sync
- Sounds stops after several minutes (could be around 5 minutes as you suggest) - When I chat in Lync, sound gets choppy during the typing. I also lose the microphone, i.e. others cannot hear me after
  I have typed anything

Since I read this thread this morning I have been researching when my packages were upgraded. - I upgraded from spice-server 0.12.4-2 to 0.12.5-2 on June 13th. This would roughly fit the time when the problems started - I upgraded spice-{glib,gtk,gtk3} to 0.23-2 on March 22nd. This is well before I noticed problems.
- virt-viewer (which I use) was upgraded on March 13th

I will attempt some downgrades and report back if I discover anything.

I just downgraded spice-server to 0.12.4-3 and I also had to downgrade qemu-{common,system-x86,kvm,img} to 1.6.1-2 (from 1.6.2-7). I tested with a "video" that showed serious audio/video sync issues yesterday and it now ran as expected. I haven't been able to test with Lync yet, but will do so tomorrow. I have good hopes that those problems will be gone as well, but I will report back if that is not the case.

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