The maximum number of "commands" that can be queued at once is fixed at compile time at MAX_RELOCS. However, during the creation of an image object in qxl_image_create(), the image is split into commands of maximum size 512*512. For a large dual-head system, it is easy to create an image for which the number of chunks will result in an overflow of MAX_RELOCS number of "commands".

Identify this scenario and dynamically increase the chunk size to avoid the overflow, and the resulting assert() which crashes Xorg.

Note: the debugging statement is currently enabled in this patch.
diff -r -u xf86-video-qxl-0.1.1.orig/src/qxl_image.c xf86-video-qxl-0.1.1/src/qxl_image.c
--- xf86-video-qxl-0.1.1.orig/src/qxl_image.c	2013-10-20 10:53:29.000000000 -0400
+++ xf86-video-qxl-0.1.1/src/qxl_image.c	2014-05-14 09:10:43.435444196 -0400
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
 	struct qxl_bo *image_bo;
 	int dest_stride = (width * Bpp + 3) & (~3);
 	int h;
+	int chunk_size;
 	data += y * stride + x * Bpp;
@@ -155,9 +156,23 @@
 	hash = 0;
 	h = height;
+	chunk_size = MAX (512 * 512, dest_stride);
+	/* ensure we will not create too many pieces and overflow
+	 * the command buffer (MAX_RELOCS).  if so, increase the chunk_size.
+	 * each loop creates at least 2 cmd buffer entries, and 
+	 * we have to leave room when we're done.
+	 */
+	if (height / (chunk_size / dest_stride) > (MAX_RELOCS / 4)) {
+		chunk_size = height / (MAX_RELOCS/4) * dest_stride;
+#if 1
+		ErrorF ("adjusted chunk_size to %d\n", chunk_size);
+	}
 	while (h)
-	    int chunk_size = MAX (512 * 512, dest_stride);
 	    int n_lines = MIN ((chunk_size / dest_stride), h);
 	    struct qxl_bo *bo = qxl->bo_funcs->bo_alloc (qxl, sizeof (QXLDataChunk) + n_lines * dest_stride, "image data");
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