On 04/21/2014 01:23 PM, David Mansfield wrote:

On 04/21/2014 12:02 PM, Greg Sheremeta wrote:
In particular, with MATE we get a bunch of:

(remote-viewer:12916): GSpice-WARNING **: FIXME: only support monitor
config with primary surface 0, but given config surface 5

Which seems suspicious to me, given that these are followed
immediately by incorrect behavior and don't happen in GNOME3.

Ok. This is worse than suspicious.  It's the bug.  In the source
gtk/spice-widget.c, right after this "FIXME" we goto "whole". Maybe a
guru can explain why we need to bail out here and display the whole
framebuffer on the second monitor *on purpose*. However, the following
patch works for me:

diff -ur spice-gtk-0.23.orig/gtk/spice-widget.c
--- spice-gtk-0.23.orig/gtk/spice-widget.c    2014-02-06
06:07:13.000000000 -0500
+++ spice-gtk-0.23/gtk/spice-widget.c    2014-04-17
16:46:20.204422442 -0400
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
       g_clear_pointer(&monitors, g_array_unref);
       /* by display whole surface */
-    update_area(display, 0, 0, d->width, d->height);
+    update_area(display, c->x, c->y, c->width, c->height);
      set_monitor_ready(display, true);

Can someone explain why this would not be better than the currently
broken behavior?

Note that after this patch, the code above the 'goto' label and the
below are basically the same.

It's very curious that running MATE in the VM triggers this but running
GNOME3 does not, but nevertheless the bug is clearly in spice-gtk.

David Mansfield
Cobite, INC.
David, did you open a bug on this anywhere? I have the same problem
going on with LXDE. Cinnamon works great.

I'm planning to open a fedora bug for it, but I'm doing a bit more
debugging first in the client... I'm not certain I understand how the
above change (which has serious problems) is working.  I'll send email
to the list when I've got more figured out.

[ resent with gzipped logs ]

I have captured some logs, both from remote-viewer (--spice-debug) and from qxl.ko (with drm.debug=14). I have modified spice-gtk to log when non-primary "canvas" is created (see attached patch), and BOTH gnome3 and mate create a secondary "canvas" with surface_id #2, however in MATE case, this happens right before the monitor config events, and for GNOME3 it happens after. In both cases the secondary surface is exactly the dimensions of the primary surface and happens after the primary surface has changed size.

I have attached the logs. The spice.log.* are the debug output from remote-viewer (which was modified with the attached patch). The dmesg.* logs are the dmesg output in guest with drm.debug=14 set on kernel command line.

Each test was performed on a freshly "powered on" machine. Login through GDM into desktop of choice. Both are F20 host, F20 guest, F20 client (modified).

If anyone else has any suggestions for progressing on this, I'd appreciate it.

David Mansfield
Cobite, INC.

diff -ur spice-gtk-0.23/gtk/channel-display.c spice-gtk-0.23.new/gtk/channel-display.c
--- spice-gtk-0.23/gtk/channel-display.c	2014-02-06 06:08:07.000000000 -0500
+++ spice-gtk-0.23.new/gtk/channel-display.c	2014-04-21 14:02:00.844531374 -0400
@@ -693,6 +693,8 @@
     SpiceDisplayChannelPrivate *c = SPICE_DISPLAY_CHANNEL(channel)->priv;
+    SPICE_DEBUG("create canvas id:%d %dx%d primary:%d", surface->surface_id, surface->width, surface->height, surface->primary);
     if (surface->primary) {
         if (c->primary) {
             if (c->primary->width == surface->width &&
Only in spice-gtk-0.23.new/gtk: channel-display.c~
diff -ur spice-gtk-0.23/gtk/spice-widget.c spice-gtk-0.23.new/gtk/spice-widget.c
--- spice-gtk-0.23/gtk/spice-widget.c	2014-02-06 06:07:13.000000000 -0500
+++ spice-gtk-0.23.new/gtk/spice-widget.c	2014-04-21 13:45:35.938778368 -0400
@@ -292,9 +292,14 @@
     g_object_get(d->display, "monitors", &monitors, NULL);
     for (i = 0; monitors != NULL && i < monitors->len; i++) {
         cfg = &g_array_index(monitors, SpiceDisplayMonitorConfig, i);
+        SPICE_DEBUG("%d: id:%d surface:%d %dx%d+%d+%d", i, cfg->id, cfg->surface_id,
+                    cfg->width, cfg->height, cfg->x, cfg->y);
         if (cfg->id == d->monitor_id) {
-           c = cfg;
-           break;
+            if (c == NULL) {
+                c = cfg;
+            } else {
+                g_warning("two config found for same monitor");
+            }
     if (c == NULL) {
@@ -310,8 +315,8 @@
     if (c->surface_id != 0) {
         g_warning("FIXME: only support monitor config with primary surface 0, "
-                  "but given config surface %d", c->surface_id);
-        goto whole;
+                  "but given config surface %d. continuing.", c->surface_id);
+        //goto whole;
     if (!d->resize_guest_enable)
Only in spice-gtk-0.23.new/gtk: spice-widget.c~

Attachment: spice.log.gnome3.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: spice.log.mate.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: dmesg.mate.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: dmesg.gnome3.gz
Description: application/gzip

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