On 01/17/2014 10:24 PM, Fedor Lyakhov wrote:
> Hi,
> Who is going to visit FOSDEM this year? It would be nice to meet you there!
> I'll be giving a talk
> https://fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/virtiaas23/ on Sunday (Feb 2nd)
> in the Virtualisation dev room, and you're very welcome!

I am going to FOSDEM, so is Hans although he is no longer actively
working on spice. I will plan to attend your talk.

> "Media redirection for Spice remote computing solution"
> Project Melange: optimizing media stream processing for media players
> and VoIP clients in virtual desktop infrastructures.
> This is "cross-functional" project involving technologies of
> virtualization (Spice), multimedia and VoIP (GStreamer, Google WebRTC,
> others in future), remote services (Apache Thrift, D-Bus).
> I and my friends Egor M. and Alexey K. have started this project
> Melange, it is currently hosted at https://github.com/lyakhov/melange
> and is in the very early stage of development - we're preparing 2
> prototypes for the FOSDEM.
> There are many architectural and design questions I'd like to discuss
> - to determine the best way of reaching Melange's goals...
> Me and Egor (Alexey couldn't make it unfortunately) will arrive to
> Brussels slightly earlier - so we'll get to FOSDEM Beer Event in
> Delirium at 31st evening, hope to meet you there!
> (https://fosdem.org/2014/practical/beerevent/)

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