On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 05:50:22 PM David Jaša wrote:
> Can you at least search the bugs?
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/query.cgi?format=advanced&product=Red%20Hat%20En
> terprise%20Virtualization%20Manager&component=spice-vdagent-win&component=Wi
> ndows%20Guest%20Tools (works for me in private tab). Any search should give
> you "Report new bug in %PRODUCT" link as well.

I can see the list of bugs and components such as spice-vdagent-win, but no 
opportunity to "report new bug" etc, either in the list or any individual bug 

I just created my redhat account (lindsay.mathie...@gmail.com) recently for 
this - perhaps it just doesn't have permissions for this Product?

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