On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 03:06:17PM +0000, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
> > Can you describe what you are trying to achieve exactly through this
> > auth_plain_verify_credentials callback? 
> > I assume you want to check the
> > (username, password) against 'something' once you got them from the client?
> yes
> > Can the SASL support already do what you are looking for?
> SASL is a very complex beast, and I do not want to run that, because we have 
> our own
> library to verify credentials).
> And AFAIK SASL does not even compile with mingw, so it is quite useless.

Marc-Andre did some work to make it build


though I do not know what the current status of it is, whether his
fixes were ever applied by upstream or not.

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