>/ I think nearly all GPUs, Intel ones included can do on-board H264 encoding
/>/ the vaapi for Intel exports this ability, not sure how to expose it on
/>/ non-intel GPUs,
/>/ or how they expose it under Windows etc.
/>/ The problem for us is the usual patent minefield around h264.
Yep. Offloading the work to the hardware may get around that. IANAL
though. But not having a software fallback for patent reasons isn't
very nice. Especially on the decoding end. Encoding without hardware
support probably isn't very useful anyway.
What about hardware acceleration with the actual codec (mjpeg) or vp8 or
vp9 codec?
Unfortunately, from what I have seen until now cpu is overloaded without
a dedicated video codec hardware acceleration, which renders spice
client performances very poor even if on medium/high range thin client
and unusable with a low end ones.
Thanks for any reply.
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