Thanks for you reply :)

I have built the share libraries of the spice client, and  

want to build GUI of java layer, i try to replace any "vnc" to "spice" or set 
variable "isSpice" to true, but failed to

create spice client, i am a newbie of the android app developer, any hack 
instructions to build  

spice client of java layer ?   


- Jojo

在 2013年7月2日星期二,上午8:48,i iordanov 写道:

> Hello to everyone who is trying to build aSPICE.
> 1) Yes, by default when the source for the project is downloaded, a VNC 
> client is built. To change the behavior of the client, you can look at the 
> boolean variables isRdp and isSpice in VncCanvas.java which control whether 
> the project behaves as an RDP or SPICE client instead of a VNC client. 
> However, it is not enough to change the value of those variables, as the RDP 
> client needs FreeRDP built, and the SPICE client needs a collection of other 
> libraries built.
> 2) The BUILDING file contains instructions only for how to build the VNC 
> client and the RDP client (using the additional FreeRDP library).
> 3) The instructions for building the SPICE client will require some work, but 
> I will eventually get that done as well. Basically, it boils down to this:
> - Cross-build (for ARM with the android NDK) all the static libraries listed 
> near the top of bVNC/eclipse_projects/bVNC/jni/src/Android.mk
> - Install them in the appropriate location (/opt/android in my case).
> - cd bVNC/eclipse_projects/bVNC/jni/ ; ndk-build
> I would appreciate any help with writing up of instructions if anybody else 
> gets to it first, but it is my intention to eventually produce some sort of 
> reasonable list of instructions and add them to the BUILDING file. I will 
> also document how one switches the project's behavior.
> Cheers,
> iordan
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:58 PM, jojo <rjie...@gmail.com 
> (mailto:rjie...@gmail.com)> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Due to instructing of BUILDING of https://github.com/iiordanov/bVNC
> >  
> > it creates VNC clinet by default, how to create the spice client by default 
> > ?
> >  
> > Could you give me any hints ?  
> >  
> > Thanks,
> >  
> > - Jojo
> >  
> --  
> The conscious mind has only one thread of execution.  

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