Just for the record: path is part of hierarchical part of the uri that
begins with double slash "//". Query part of the URI starts with
question mark "?" and it is followed by Fragment part that starts with
hash "#". So this is perfectly legal URI:


that contain just scheme ("spice"), hostname ("fqdn") and query
("param=value") sections.

BTW the password could be conveyed via uri in the more
standards-following way:


IIRC there used to be a generic parser for URIs in glib that was removed
at some point of time, didn't you think about making this code more
generic so that each and every URI-parsing glib app doesn't have to go
through these hoops over and over again?


Christophe Fergeau píše v St 05. 06. 2013 v 14:21 +0200:
> On Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 01:07:16PM +0300, Uri Lublin wrote:
> > In your example, query is "my_param=/some/path" and path points
> > to "/some/path" within query. Some may find it confusing, and it does not
> > follow URI syntax where path comes before query (IIUC).
> This is not meant to move the 'path' part of the URI in the params, but to
> allow the params to contain '/' without confusing SPICE URI parser.
> You can change the example to
> scheme://foo.example.com?mimetype=text/plain
> if that makes things less confusing.
> Christophe
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David Jaša, RHCE

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