Why don't you use remote-viewer? It's available precompiled for download
at downloads page and it will work better for you if you want just to
use spice.

On topic - the client resolution change is the way of old spicec to get
remote guest monitor displayed fullscreen as it made almost no harm on
CRTs and CPU power for software scaling was way more scarce. The
opposite is true these days so remote-viewer won't touch your client
resolution at all but it will try to adjust remote system resolution to
best match current view and if that won't be possible, it will scale the
remote guest monitor to fit the widget viewport.


天外银龙 píše v Ne 12. 05. 2013 v 11:17 +0800:
> When I have compiled spicy.exe on fodera14,run it on windows,the
> resolution(DPI) and colour will change both local and remote
> desktop.Can you help me?Thank you~
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David Jaša, RHCE

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