On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 01:17:26PM +0100, Han Pilmeyer wrote:
> I thought it might be nice to chime in with my results. I'm running
> nearly the same versions, except that I'm still using the 0.30
> version of the spice-guest-tools.
> I just tested my network speed at the KVM host and in my Windows 7
> guest. The largest difference was in the ping time which was doubled
> in the guest (10 ms versus 5 ms in the host). The network bandwidth
> was almost the same, i.e. in both cases download and upload was over
> 70 Mbps (to my ISP). Overall, I would say this is not too bad.
> I usually have reasonable performance watching videos from within
> the guest. The one thing where I do see issues is with Microsoft
> Lync while trying to do audio or video calls with colleagues. This
> works for several seconds (I've seen up to 20 or 30 seconds) and
> then invariably the connection drops which Lync claims to be due to
> a flaky network connection. I do not buy this at all. But somehow
> Lync sees something about the KVM network connection that it doesn't
> like.

If you are using the virtio network driver, I'd try not using it to see if
this helps, and vice versa.


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