On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 01:10:15PM +0100, Han Pilmeyer wrote:
> On 23/01/2013 11:01, Christophe Fergeau wrote:
> >>>> >Hrm, this means we'll need yet another update for
> >>>> >https://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/virtio-win/latest/images/bin/  :(
> >>>> >
> >>>I'm afraid so Christophe.
> >For what it's worth, Cole Robinson was kind enough to respin a virtio-win
> >ISO with updated drivers.
> I'm really happy that Cole made available the latest Windows
> drivers. However, as a naïve Fedora user, this is really confusing.
> For as far as I can tell the virtio-win package is no longer
> shipping with Fedora.

Did it ever ship with Fedora?

> Also the iso that Cole created has the latest
> drivers, but it does not include vdagent/vdservice or the QXL
> driver.

Yup, this has always been this way, virtio-win drivers are separate from
the spice agent and the qxl driver for mainly historical reasons.

> This means that if you want to add a Windows guest under
> KVM, you need to get your guest tools from multiple sources.

Yup, that's why I'm building those guest tools installers in the first

> May I humbly suggest again that the guest tools are supplied in one
> kit with a unique version number? Or is this asking too much? ;-)

It would probably help if I sync the guest tools installer version number
with the virtio-win version number. It will probably be harder to do that
for qxl and the agent though.


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