
On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 01:14:39AM +0000, Jodi Curtis wrote:
> Having fought my way through getting used to KVM, I have installed a
> development desktop along side some servers, and the performance is
> unusable.
> The Ubuntu GUI seems very slow and not very responsive. It was not as bad
> as VGA but it is still unusable, all I need is to work in a development gui
> and do the things developers do, but if I can't even get text entered in at
> normal speed, and have menu's responsive enough to use, it's not much good
> to me.

Have you tried other desktop environments than Ubuntu GUI? (I assume this is
Unity3d?) The 3d rendering has to be done in software, and I'm not sure
how Unity behaves in such setups, so worth checking with another desktop
environment not relying on 3d.


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