On Fri, 2012-09-14 at 16:55 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 09/14/2012 03:28 PM, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> ...
> >>> > >   Moreover, all instances in memory only take the space of
> >>> > >one instance. Thus, we get deduplication and KSM almost for free.
> >> >
> >> >oVirt (RHEV) runs KSM only when the host memory gets fuller but I seem
> >> >to remember that guys were able to have high 1000's of % of memory
> >> >overcommit ratios
> > I have heard rumors of high CPU utilization with KSM but we have not
> > experimented enough with it ourselves to know.  Is that an issue?
> ksm takes cpu, but servers today are loaded with cores, but memory is 
> still the expensive part.
> today we configure ksm to kick in only when memory is ~80%, which is 
> when you'd usually be willing to pay the price of one of your cores 
> spending some time on ksm, then the memory congestion on the host / 
> losing memory overcommit.
That's where VServer is so great - we get the same results without the
overhead.  I assume oVirt does not change that part.  Still, we are
looking forward to exploring it as we really have no other option for
Windows desktops and servers.  Thanks - John

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