Hi Salavat,

Шарапов Салават píše v Út 03. 07. 2012 v 08:35 +0400:
> Hello! Project Wonderful!
> Using SPICE for six months.
> Satisfied.
> It took a traverse USB-device on the virtual machine, read the How to .. 
> seems to be understood. Does not work.
> Brought together with the package SPICE usbredirserver.
> The resulting package is included in the kernel Thinstation 5.1.

Could you elaborate a bit on what packages did you create or provide
some link to their description?

Just a blind guess: didn't you package spicec? If so, then you should
focus on packaging remote-viewer (part of virt-viewer), that's "the
client" that has full developer attention.

> Thin Client boots and picks up a SPICE session to another host with KVM.
> But the devices are not USB-port-forwarded. 

Again, more information would help to understand the issue.


> Keyboard, mouse and audio devices are working fine.
> But the USB-flush is not port-forwarded.
> I could make a mistake?
> Thank you!
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David Jaša, RHCE

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