
On 07/02/2012 02:11 PM, Alon Levy wrote:
On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 06:16:41PM +0300, Yonit Halperin wrote:

I didn't review the whole series, but since I see Hans already provided
some comments on this patch I'll add my own.

I also think the patchset looks very good.

For the future, it would be nice to have byte level accounting as well
as token (message) level. For the future! not for now :)

Comments inline.

+static void spice_char_device_state_unref(SpiceCharDeviceState *char_dev)
+    if (!--char_dev->refs) {

Here refs == 0, but then below..

+        spice_char_device_state_destroy(char_dev);
+    }
+void spice_char_device_state_destroy(SpiceCharDeviceState *char_dev)
+    core->timer_remove(char_dev->write_to_dev_timer);
+    write_buffers_queue_free(&char_dev->write_queue);
+    write_buffers_queue_free(&char_dev->write_bufs_pool);
+    while (!ring_is_empty(&char_dev->clients)) {
+        RingItem *item = ring_get_tail(&char_dev->clients);
+        SpiceCharDeviceClientState *dev_client;
+        dev_client = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(item, SpiceCharDeviceClientState, link);
+        spice_char_device_client_free(char_dev, dev_client);
+    }
+    char_dev->running = FALSE;
+    if (!--char_dev->refs) {

refs is uint32_t, so it will now be large positive, this will never be
called. Drop the if.

spice_char_device_state_unref is always called coupled to spice_char_device_state_ref. char_dev->refs can be 0 after spice_char_device_state_unref is called, only in case spice_char_device_state_destroy is called in between spice_char_device_state_ref and spice_char_device_state_unref. We can't free(char_dev) in this scenario (that is why we needed the refs in the first place).
We can't drop the "if". Instead, it should be,
if (char_dev->refs == 0)

+        free(char_dev);
+    }
+void spice_char_device_client_add(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                  RedClient *client,
+                                  int do_flow_control,
+                                  uint32_t max_send_queue_size,
+                                  uint32_t num_client_tokens,
+                                  uint32_t num_send_tokens)
+    SpiceCharDeviceClientState *dev_client;
+    spice_assert(dev);
+    spice_assert(client);
+    spice_debug("dev_state %p client %p", dev, client);
+    dev_client = spice_new0(SpiceCharDeviceClientState, 1);
+    dev_client->dev = dev;
+    dev_client->client = client;
+    ring_init(&dev_client->send_queue);
+    dev_client->send_queue_size = 0;
+    dev_client->max_send_queue_size = max_send_queue_size;
+    dev_client->do_flow_control = do_flow_control;
+    if (do_flow_control) {
+        dev_client->wait_for_tokens_timer = 
+                                                            dev_client);
+        if (!dev_client->wait_for_tokens_timer) {
+            spice_error("failed to create wait for tokens timer");
+        }
+        dev_client->num_client_tokens = num_client_tokens;
+        dev_client->num_send_tokens = num_send_tokens;
+    } else {
+        dev_client->num_client_tokens = ~0;
+        dev_client->num_send_tokens = ~0;
+    }
+    ring_add(&dev->clients,&dev_client->link);
+    dev->num_clients++;
+    /* Now that we have a client, forward any pending device data */
+    spice_char_device_wakeup(dev);
+uint32_t spice_char_device_client_num_tokens_get(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                                 RedClient *client)
+    SpiceCharDeviceClientState *dev_client;
+    dev_client = spice_char_device_client_find(dev, client);
+    if (!dev_client) {
+        spice_error("client wasn't found");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return dev_client->num_client_tokens;
+void spice_char_device_client_remove(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                     RedClient *client)
+    SpiceCharDeviceClientState *dev_client;
+    spice_debug("dev_state %p client %p", dev, client);
+    dev_client = spice_char_device_client_find(dev, client);
+    if (!dev_client) {
+        spice_error("client wasn't found");
+        return;
+    }
+    spice_char_device_client_free(dev, dev_client);
+int spice_char_device_client_exists(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                    RedClient *client)
+    return (spice_char_device_client_find(dev, client) != NULL);
+void spice_char_device_start(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev)
+    spice_debug("dev_state %p", dev);
+    dev->running = TRUE;
+    spice_char_device_state_ref(dev);
+    while (spice_char_device_write_to_device(dev) ||
+           spice_char_device_read_from_device(dev));
+    spice_char_device_state_unref(dev);
+void spice_char_device_stop(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev)
+    spice_debug("dev_state %p", dev);
+    dev->running = FALSE;
+    core->timer_cancel(dev->write_to_dev_timer);
+void spice_char_device_reset(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev)
+    RingItem *client_item;
+    spice_char_device_stop(dev);
+    spice_debug("dev_state %p", dev);
+    while (!ring_is_empty(&dev->write_queue)) {
+        RingItem *item = ring_get_tail(&dev->write_queue);
+        SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer *buf;
+        ring_remove(item);
+        buf = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(item, SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer, link);
+        /* tracking the tokens */
+        spice_char_device_write_buffer_release(dev, buf);
+    }
+    if (dev->cur_write_buf) {
+        SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer *release_buf = dev->cur_write_buf;
+        dev->cur_write_buf = NULL;
+        spice_char_device_write_buffer_release(dev, release_buf);
+    }
+    RING_FOREACH(client_item,&dev->clients) {
+        SpiceCharDeviceClientState *dev_client;
+        dev_client = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(client_item, 
SpiceCharDeviceClientState, link);
+        spice_char_device_client_send_queue_free(dev, dev_client);
+    }
+    dev->sin = NULL;
+void spice_char_device_wakeup(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev)
+    spice_char_device_read_from_device(dev);
diff --git a/server/char_device.h b/server/char_device.h
index bdb32ae..e3cd52d 100644
--- a/server/char_device.h
+++ b/server/char_device.h
@@ -2,11 +2,209 @@
  #define __CHAR_DEVICE_H__

  #include "spice.h"
+#include "red_channel.h"
+ * Shared code for char devices, mainly for flow control.
+ *
+ * How to use the api:
+ * ==================
+ * device attached: call spice_char_device_state_create
+ * device detached: call spice_char_device_state_destroy/reset
+ *
+ * client connected and assoicated with a device: spice_char_device_client_add
+ * client disconnected: spice_char_device_client_remove
+ *
+ * Writing to the device
+ * ---------------------
+ * Write the data into SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer:
+ * call spice_char_device_write_buffer_get in order to get an appropriate 
+ * call spice_char_device_write_buffer_add in order to push the buffer to the 
write queue.
+ * If you choose not to push the buffer to the device, call
+ * spice_char_device_write_buffer_release
+ *
+ * reading from the device
+ * -----------------------
+ *  The callback read_one_msg_from_device (see below) should be implemented
+ *  (using sif->read).
+ *  When the device is ready, this callback is called, and is expected to
+ *  return one message which is addressed to the client, or NULL if the read
+ *  hasn't completed.
+ *
+ * calls triggered from the device (qemu):
+ * --------------------------------------
+ * spice_char_device_start
+ * spice_char_device_stop
+ * spice_char_device_wakeup (for reading from the device)
+ */
+ * Note about multiple-clients:
+ * Multiclients are currently not supported in any of the character devices:
+ * spicevmc does not allow more than one client (and at least for usb, it 
should stay this way).
+ * smartcard code is not compatible with more than one reader.
+ * The server and guest agent code doesn't distinguish messages from different 
+ * In addition, its current flow control code (e.g., tokens handling) is wrong 
and doesn't
+ * take into account the different clients.
+ *
+ * Nonetheless, the following code introduces some support for 
+ * We track the number of tokens for all the clients, and we read from the 
+ * if one of the clients have enough tokens. For the clients that don't have 
+ * we queue the messages, till they receive tokens, or till a timeout.
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * At least for the agent, not all the messages from the device will be 
directed to all
+ * the clients (e.g., copy from guest to a specific client). Thus, support for
+ * client-specific-messages should be added.
+ * In addition, we should have support for clients that are being connected
+ * in the middle of a message transfer from the agent to the clients.
+ *
+ * */
+/* buffer that is used for writing to the device */
+typedef struct SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer {
+    RingItem link;
+    RedClient *client_origin; /* The client that sent the message to the 
+                                 NULL if the server created the message */
+    uint8_t *buf;
+    uint32_t buf_size;
+    uint32_t buf_used;
+} SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer;
+typedef void SpiceCharDeviceMsgToClient;
+typedef struct SpiceCharDeviceCallbacks {
+    /*
+     * Messages that are addressed to the client can be queued in case we have
+     * multiple clients and some of them don't have enough tokens.
+     */
+    /* reads from the device till reaching a msg that should be sent to the 
+     * or till the reading fails */
+    SpiceCharDeviceMsgToClient* 
(*read_one_msg_from_device)(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin,
+                                                            void *opaque);
+    SpiceCharDeviceMsgToClient* 
(*ref_msg_to_client)(SpiceCharDeviceMsgToClient *msg,
+                                                     void *opaque);
+    void (*unref_msg_to_client)(SpiceCharDeviceMsgToClient *msg,
+                                void *opaque);
+    void (*send_msg_to_client)(SpiceCharDeviceMsgToClient *msg,
+                               RedClient *client,
+                               void *opaque); /* after this call, the message 
is unreferenced */
+    /* The cb is called when a predefined number of write buffers were 
consumed by the
+     * device */
+    void (*send_tokens_to_client)(RedClient *client, uint32_t tokens, void 
+    /* The cb is called when a server (self) message that was addressed to the 
+     * has been completely written to it */
+    void (*on_free_self_token)(void *opaque);
+    /* This cb is called if it is recommanded that a client will be removed
+     * due to slow flow or due to some other error.
+     * The called instance should disconnect the client, or at least the 
corresponding channel */
+    void (*remove_client)(RedClient *client, void *opaque);
+} SpiceCharDeviceCallbacks;
+typedef struct SpiceCharDeviceState SpiceCharDeviceState;

  struct SpiceCharDeviceState {
+    int running;
+    uint32_t refs;
+    Ring write_queue;
+    Ring write_bufs_pool;
+    SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer *cur_write_buf;
+    uint8_t *cur_write_buf_pos;
+    SpiceTimer *write_to_dev_timer;
+    uint64_t num_self_tokens;
+    Ring clients;
+    uint32_t num_clients;
+    uint64_t client_tokens_interval; /* frequency of returning tokens to the 
client */
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin;
+    SpiceCharDeviceCallbacks cbs;
+    void *opaque;
+    /* tmp till all spice char devices will employ the new SpiceCharDeviceState
+     * implementation. Then, SpiceCharDeviceState will be moved to 
char_device.c and
+     * this callback will be removed */
      void (*wakeup)(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin);

+SpiceCharDeviceState *spice_char_device_state_create(SpiceCharDeviceInstance 
+                                                     uint32_t 
+                                                     uint32_t self_tokens,
+                                                     SpiceCharDeviceCallbacks 
+                                                     void *opaque);
+void spice_char_device_state_reset_dev_instance(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                                SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin);
+void spice_char_device_state_destroy(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev);
+void *spice_char_device_state_opaque_get(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev);
+ * Resets write/read queues, and moves that state to being stopped.
+ * This routine is a workaround for a bad tokens management in the vdagent
+ * protocol:
+ *  The client tokens' are set only once, when the main channel is initialized.
+ *  Instead, it would have been more appropriate to reset them upon 
+ *  The client tokens are tracked as part of the SpiceCharDeviceClientState. 
+ *  in order to be backwartd compatible with the client, we need to track the 
+ *  event when the agent is detached. We don't destroy the the char_device 
state, and
+ *  instead we just reset it.
+ *  In addition, there is a misshandling of AGENT_TOKENS message in spice-gtk: 
+ *  overrides the amount of tokens, instead of adding the given amount.
+ *
+ *  todo: change AGENT_CONNECT msg to contain tokens count.
+ */
+void spice_char_device_reset(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev);
+/* max_send_queue_size = how many messages we can read from the device and 
enqueue for this client,
+ * when we have tokens for other clients and no tokens for this one */
+void spice_char_device_client_add(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                  RedClient *client,
+                                  int do_flow_control,
+                                  uint32_t max_send_queue_size,
+                                  uint32_t num_client_tokens,
+                                  uint32_t num_send_tokens);
+void spice_char_device_client_remove(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                     RedClient *client);
+int spice_char_device_client_exists(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                    RedClient *client);
+void spice_char_device_start(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev);
+void spice_char_device_stop(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev);
+/** Read from device **/
+void spice_char_device_wakeup(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev);
+void spice_char_device_send_to_client_tokens_add(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                                 RedClient *client,
+                                                 uint32_t tokens);
+void spice_char_device_send_to_client_tokens_set(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                                 RedClient *client,
+                                                 uint32_t tokens);
+/** Write to device **/
*spice_char_device_write_buffer_get(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                                               RedClient 
*client, int size);
+/* Either add the buffer to the write queue or release it */
+void spice_char_device_write_buffer_add(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                        SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer *write_buf);
+void spice_char_device_write_buffer_release(SpiceCharDeviceState *dev,
+                                            SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer 
+/* api for specific char devices */
  void spicevmc_device_connect(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin,
                               uint8_t channel_type);
  void spicevmc_device_disconnect(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device);

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