On 06/28/2012 04:36 PM, Arnon Gilboa wrote:
reviewed most of it before;) but added some comments for your changes below.

Uri Lublin wrote:
From: Arnon Gilboa <agil...@redhat.com>

+struct _GUdevDevicePrivate
+ /* FixMe: move above fields to this structure and access them directly */
it will cleanup some code as well, remove the g_new0/g_free calls.

Agreed. Disclaimer: dropping GUdevDeviceInfo is Arnon's idea.

you will also find it nice to merge get_usb_dev_info into g_udev_device_new, so it will be

static GUdevDevice *g_udev_device_new(libusb_device *dev, GUdevDeviceInfo *udevinfo);

Without the udevinfo.

+ * devs [in,out] an empty devs list in, full devs list out
+ * Returns: number-of-devices, or a negative value on error.
+ */
+static ssize_t
+g_udev_client_list_devices(GUdevClient *self, GList **devs,
+                           GError **err, const gchar *name)
is it really required to have err & name params?

It's not required.

+    gssize rc;
+    libusb_device **lusb_list, **dev;
+    GUdevClientPrivate *priv;
+    GUdevDeviceInfo *udevinfo;
+    GUdevDevice *udevice;
+    ssize_t n;
+    g_return_val_if_fail(G_UDEV_IS_CLIENT(self), -1);
+    g_return_val_if_fail(devs != NULL, -2);
+    priv = self->priv;
+    g_return_val_if_fail(self->priv->ctx != NULL, -3);
+    rc = libusb_get_device_list(priv->ctx, &lusb_list);
+    if (rc < 0) {
+        const char *errstr = spice_usbutil_libusb_strerror(rc);
+        g_warning("%s: libusb_get_device_list failed", name);
+ g_set_error(err, G_UDEV_CLIENT_ERROR, G_UDEV_CLIENT_LIBUSB_FAILED, + "%s: Error getting device list from libusb: %s [%i]",
+                    name, errstr, rc);
+        return -4;
+    }
+    n = rc;
+    for (dev = lusb_list; *dev; dev++) {
+        udevinfo = g_new0(GUdevDeviceInfo, 1);
+        get_usb_dev_info(*dev, udevinfo);
+        udevice = g_udev_device_new(udevinfo);
+        *devs = g_list_prepend(*devs, udevice);
+    }
+    libusb_free_device_list(lusb_list, 1);
+    return n;
I personally don't like these return codes.
+static void g_udev_client_free_device_list(GList **devs)
+    g_return_if_fail(devs != NULL);
+    if (*devs) {
+        g_list_free_full(*devs, g_object_unref);
+        *devs = NULL;
+    }

+static gboolean get_usb_dev_info(libusb_device *dev, GUdevDeviceInfo *udevinfo)
+    struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
+    g_return_val_if_fail(dev, FALSE);
+    g_return_val_if_fail(udevinfo, FALSE);
+    if (libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc) < 0) {
+        g_warning("cannot get device descriptor %p", dev);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    udevinfo->bus   = libusb_get_bus_number(dev);
+    udevinfo->addr  = libusb_get_device_address(dev);
+    udevinfo->class = desc.bDeviceClass;
+    udevinfo->vid   = desc.idVendor;
+    udevinfo->pid   = desc.idProduct;
+ snprintf(udevinfo->sclass, sizeof(udevinfo->sclass), "%d", udevinfo->class); + snprintf(udevinfo->sbus, sizeof(udevinfo->sbus), "%d", udevinfo->bus); + snprintf(udevinfo->saddr, sizeof(udevinfo->saddr), "%d", udevinfo->addr);
+    return TRUE;
+#define INT_RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(x, y) \
+    do { gint c,d; c=(x); d=(y); if(c-d) return (c-d); } while(0)
funny macro;) I prefer removing it and simply using if (a - b) return FALSE;

You mean if (a-b) return (a-b);
That's what the macro does, except it first cast  x,y  to gint type.

+static gint gudev_device_compare(GUdevDevice *a, GUdevDevice *b)
gboolean return might be nicer

Compare usually returns an int (<0, =0 , >0 values).
This makes the function usable by sort.
(I thought of sorting and break out of the loop sooner, but I think it's not
worth it, as the expected list length is pretty small).

+    GUdevDeviceInfo *ai, *bi;
+    g_return_val_if_fail(G_UDEV_DEVICE(a), 1);
+    g_return_val_if_fail(G_UDEV_DEVICE(b), -1);
+    ai = a->priv->udevinfo;
+    bi = b->priv->udevinfo;
+    INT_RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(ai->bus, bi->bus);
+    INT_RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(ai->addr, bi->addr);
+    INT_RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(ai->vid, bi->vid);
+    INT_RETURN_IF_DIFFERENT(ai->pid, bi->pid);
+    return 0;
return TRUE;

That works too, but needs to rename the function (Equal?).

+    if (is_dev_change > 0) {
+        llist  = now_devs;
+        slist = priv->udev_list;
+    } else {
+        llist = priv->udev_list;
+        slist  = now_devs;
+    }
+    g_udev_device_print_list(llist, "handle_dev_change: long list:");
+    g_udev_device_print_list(slist, "handle_dev_change: short list:");
do we still need these debug lines?

Only if we want to debug the lists. In that case one would
have to define DEBUG_GUDEV_DEVICE_LISTS above.
When DEBUG_GUDEV_DEVICE_LISTS is not defined these lines are empty.

+static void g_udev_device_print_list(GList *l, const gchar *msg)
+    GList *it;
+    for (it = g_list_first(l); it != NULL; it=g_list_next(it)) {
+        g_udev_device_print(it->data, msg);
+    }
still need it?

Answered above.

diff --git a/gtk/win-usb-dev.h b/gtk/win-usb-dev.h
+typedef struct _SpiceUsbDeviceManager SpiceUsbDeviceManager;
any reason we need to know SpiceUsbDeviceManager here?

No. I'll remove it.


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