On 04/13/2012 05:50 AM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 04/12/2012 06:08 PM, Rahul Upadhyaya wrote:
>> Ok, One more thing. I have been using the manager in Administrator
>> Portal (no SSL) <http://fedora-ovirt.vmm.hp.com:8080/webadmin>  mode...
>> I mean I have not set up SSL (IPA and Active Directory). Could this be
> how SSL is related to IPA and Active Directory in this context?
>> possibly the reason why I am facing Issues with Spice Console. Does
>> Spice use only SSL during connection or can it run without SSL.
> unless you disabled SSL for hosts/spice via config - ssl is configured 
> by default.
> though i'm not sure this is the issue.
>> I did not the command from which spice window can be started from
>> ovirt-shell... can you tell me the command/share reference.
> juan - care to jump in here, as this is a common question, maybe even 
> worth a wiki example in the cli wiki.

The command to use the console is just "console myvm":

ovirt-shell --connect --url http://host.example.com:8080/api --user
admin@internal --password letmein!
[oVirt shell (connected)]# console myserver

That should launch the spice command with the right parameters. Make
sure you have the spice-client package installed.

If it does not work it may be because the latest version of the CLI
requires SSL (that is probably a bug). If this is your case please apply
the following change to the file

2012-04-13 12:12:31.638976451 +0200
+++ /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ovirtcli/platform/posix/spice.py
2012-04-13 12:13:00.306969571 +0200
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
         args = [ 'spicec', host, str(port), str(secport), '--ssl-channels',
                  'smain,sinputs', '--ca-file', certfile, '-p', ticket ]
-        args = [ 'spicec', '-h', host, '-p', str(port), '-s', str(secport),
+        args = [ 'spicec', '-h', host, '-p', str(port),
                  '-w', ticket, '-t', title ]

That will remove the "-s" option when calling spicec, so it should work
without SSL. I will open a bug for this and start to work on a proper

Let me know if this workaround works for you.
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