
On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 04:29:51PM +0300, Nerijus Baliunas wrote:
> I used F17 mingw32-* tools on F16 (because F16 ones cannot build 
> mingw-wine-gecko).
> Rebuild mingw-wine-gecko-1.5-2.fc17.src.rpm (but do not clean).
> Apply attached patch, run ./autogen.sh, then apply Makefile.diff to 
> SpiceXPI/src/plugin/Makefile.
> Then make.

Are you 100% sure this can work? When I looked at this, I was under the
impression that the plugin exports some C++ symbols which firefox would
then try to use. The issue with that is that firefox on windows is built
with visual c++, and mingw (at least on linux) and visual c++ don't use the
same name mangling for c++ symbols. Because of that, I assumed such an
approach (mingw/linux build of spice-xpi) wouldn't work.
Do you know more about this, and can you confirm that I'm wrong? I'd be
very happy if building a Windows spice-xpi plugin was workable.

> The built SpiceXPI.xpi can be installed by Firefox and FF does see it, because
> without it when I press Console in ovirt web admin interface I get a message
> "Spice XPI addon was not found, please install Spice XPI addon first".
> You have to change Firefox user agent to Linux one in order to activate 
> Console item.

Maybe FF does see it thanks to some data file being shipped by spice-xpi?
install.rdf comes to mind?

I hope it's possible to get all of this to work ;)


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