There's been a lot of work/effort moving the protocol handling, 
marshalling/demarshalling code, etc to a common submodule. I also saw several 
references over the last few weeks/month on the tunnel channel and the 
smartcard channel, in particular on how those modules may be out of date ("bit 
rot" was one of the comments). I noticed that those two channels are in 
spice.proto but not in spice1.proto. Looking through the code, the protocol is 
chosen through a session property so only one version of the protocol is being 
used during a given session. 

So is it the idea that Spice1.proto is the newer protocol and more likely to be 
supported long term and Spice.proto is for backwards compatibility with some 
servers? Or is it that the protocol is dependent upon the needs of the client 
and it (or the user) thus chooses which one to use? Combined with the comment 
that the tunnel channel code was out of date/hadn't kept up makes me think that 
most of the effort is currently focused on support for spice1.proto.

Also, has anyone updated the spice protocol document on or is 
that considered up to date? 



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