On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 01:09:35PM +0800, flooding Controlled wrote:
> Hi all:
>     My spice server version is 0.10.1 and my spice client is spice-gtk
> (0.10). I found that spicy is not very stable ,  which often calls error
> and the vm(instance) is often shutdown.
> for exmple: while I am doing work on WORD(MicroSoft), it often calls as
> follows:
> qemu: malloc.c:3795: _int_malloc: Assertion
> `victim->fd_nextsize->bk_nextsize == victim' failed.

That's a qemu error. Can you give the whole callstack? what is the qemu
command line?

>      Is there anyone having the same situation with me? Thanks a lot!
> Yours.
> flooding

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