On Sun, Jan 01, 2012 at 09:08:52PM +0800, Charles.Tsai-蔡清海-工程部 wrote:
> Hi Alon,
> Your information is extremely valuable for us. I think adding one additional 
> channel is a good solution.
> Because I haven't programmed QEMU before, I have a question regarding 
> creating a virtual printer device.
> In spice agent, the way that the SPICE agent talks to the SPICE server is 
> through a virtual serial port device.
> For the virtual printer device, do I need to create a similar virtual I/O for 
> the printer? To send the printing data to the SPICE server from guest OS, 
> the virtual printer device driver will write the printing data to the virtual 
> I/O like a real hardware device. In QEMU, can I find any information about 
> this?
> Thanks.

I am not sure how good the idea of creating a virtual printer is. I see
two options, each not optimal:
 1. expose the real printer.
  + all features of real printer are avaliable
  - guest has to have real printer drivers (so each new client or new
    printer on client side requires guest driver installation). This is
    not neccessarily hard/bad.
 2. expose a fixed printer (this is what you are proposing)
  - subset / fixed set of features.
  + no new driver to install, only one time driver install.

We have previously intended the tunnel channel to provide the printer
remoting. But you don't have to expose a whole network tunnel, you could
implement a cifs/ipp server with printing services. That could be
implemented as a guest daemon talking over a virtioserial port and a
spicevmc channel to the client, which means you won't have to change
qemu at all, but you would have to add a guest feature (so needs to be
implemented and installed for every guest os you want to support). I
suppose such a service could also be implemented at the qemu level, and
still use a spicevmc channel so no spice server changes either way. I'm
not sure what kind of virtual printer you have in mind.

I haven't actually answer you so far:
 - no, you don't need to create a new virtual I/O channel, virtioserial
   is just the virtual I/O you need.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alon Levy [mailto:al...@redhat.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 7:45 PM
> To: Charles.Tsai-蔡清海-工程部
> Cc: spice-devel@lists.freedesktop.org
> Subject: Re: [Spice-devel] Access local network printer from guest OS
> On Sun, Jan 01, 2012 at 10:41:14AM +0800, Charles.Tsai-蔡清海-工程部 wrote:
> >    All,
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >    We planned to implement the software to access the local network  printer
> >    from the guest OS over the SPICE.  I did see someone post a message 
> > before
> >    talking about the implementation of the network redirect before. But the
> >    solution seems to be too complicated for us. Here is my design ideas to
> >    implement the access of the local network printer from the guest OS.
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >    1.       Implemented a virtual printer driver in the guest OS.
> > 
> >    2.       Intercept the printing data from the virtual printer driver and
> >    forward it to the spice  agent.
> > 
> >    3.       Deliver the printing data from the spice  agent through the
> >    .$B!H.(Bmain channel.$B!I.(B
> > 
> >    4.       Spice client receives the printing data and set it to the local
> >    network printer.
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >    Based on my design ideas, I have a couple of questions.
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >    1.       Currently, main channel is used by spice agent for enchaining 
> > the
> >    user experience. Can I expand it to delivered printing data? Any pros and
> >    cons?
> > 
> >    2.       How easily it is to expand one additional channel  for priming
> >    data if .$B!H.(Bmain channel.$B!I.(B is not a good approach to send
> >    printing data?
> > 
> I would suggest going with adding an additional channel rather then adding 
> messages to main channel. imo the existance of agent data in the main channel 
> is not a good thing and shouldn't be taken as an example of how to do things.
>  To add a new channel you basically need to:
>  1. add the channel to spice.proto (in spice repository)  There are two 
> options here - you can use an opaque channel, and by  opaque I mean that the 
> messages it contains are Data messages, no  additional information is in them 
> and you have to do parsing  "yourself", without the code generation done from 
> spice.proto. If you  want to use the code generator then you can take any 
> other channel  message as an example. You will then need to update the 
> spice-protocol  headers as well, common/messages.h  2. implement server side 
> - the steps are:
>   create the new channel. Follow the inputs channel as a good example.
>   (server/inputs_channel.c:inputs_init)
>   advertise the new channel. This is taken care of by calling
>   reds_register_channel.
>   you will need to do work based on some call backs from either
>   direction:
>    qemu initiated (guest did something to the virtual printer device)
>    client initiated (callback set during channel creation, in inputs
>    it is inputs_channel_handle_parsed)
>  3. client side implementation: you should be working on the spice-gtk  
> client, it is in it's own repository. You will have to make sure the  changes 
> (if any) you do to the common subdirectory are copied over  since it has it's 
> own copy. Haven't worked on spice-gtk but it looks  like again starting from 
> some existing channel like gtk/channel-inputs  could be a good idea.
> HTH,
> Alon
> >     
> > 
> >     
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