I planning to use Spice in a Infrastructure-Project.
The idea is to use Thinclients with the spice-client-gtk/libspice-gtk.
Now I have find a Thinclient thats have sufficient Performance for all

I tried find out if the current spice-client uses the GPU in any way (e.g
via OpenGL). I guess Cairo is currently the only one used Lib that utilize
Hardware-Acceleration-Features ?
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

My current Test-Thinclient-Hardware (1Ghz CPU,1 GB Ram, OpenGL 2.0 GPU)
have massive Problems with Video-Playback (CPU-Load 100%).

Do you plan on mid or long term to use any "Acceleration-Features" (e.g
VAAPI,XvBA,GPGPU) to improve the improve Video-Playback or should I try to
get a Thinclient with better CPU ?

Has anyone experiences with Minimum System/Hardware Requirements for
fluently Playback of an 720p Video via Spice ?

Thomas Tyminski
Berlin , Germany

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