Hi Guys,

Scientific Linux 6.2 x64
host: kvm
guests: fc15 x64, XP-Pro x32, W7 x32
spice 0.8.x

To my consternation, I have found that if I mouse over my guest's SPICEc window, I will loose my mouse until the guest machine boots to the point that its mouse
driver get enabled.  Then I get my mouse back.

Well now, my guest does not always boot up (what me screw things up?!?!?).
The only way I can get my mouse back is <ctrl><f2> to open a command
prompt, then "virch -l" to get my ID and "virsh destroy ID". Then <ctrl><f1>
to get back to my GUI.  Total pain in the neck.

Is there some easier to get my mouse back when this happens?

Also, is this a know bug or just a screw up on my part?

Many thanks,
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