On 10/19/2011 01:42 PM, Frédéric Grelot wrote:
That seems like a good idea.
Note that if the first image is not compressed, we may have a similar
with WAN accelerators. Also maybe it is better to always compress it.

This random buffer was intended as a quick fix.
In the long run, we would like to measure network statistics
dynamically, e.g.
when sending large images (as you suggested for the first one).

That may be overkill, but you could also "scramble" it by xoring it with a 
randomly generated sequence (and send the seed to the client to allow him to reproduce 
the sequence). The only overhead would thus be the seed.
By the way, that could be applied to any message, not necessarily the first 


Why should we do that? If we don't compress images well enough, and a WAN accelerator (or even if the channel is within SSL with compression enabled), let them reduce the bandwidth for us.
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