Hey Yonit,

I've carefully read the bug report and your email, and looked a bit at the
code, but I'm totally unfamiliar with migration stuff :-/ Your plan sounds
good to me, hopefully changing the client the way you describe won't be too
hard. I had one question though, see below

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 12:53:53PM +0300, Yonit Halperin wrote:
> spice-server
> =============
> (A) Migration source side
>     * reds::spice_server_migrate_start:
>       We can't use SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_BEGIN since it doesn't
>       include the certificate information we need. But we can change it
>       to be identical to SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_SWITCH_HOST.
>     * reds::spice_server_migrate_end(completed)
>       - if (completed) => send SPICE_MSG_MIGRATE (flags=0) to all
>          connected channels (via Channel->migrate).
>       - if (!completed) => send SPICE_MSG_MAIN_MIGRATE_CANCEL

These functions are part of the exported ABI, spice_server_migrate_start
doesn't do anything because of a if (1) return -1; but
spice_server_migrate_end does a lot of stuff if called. They seem to be
unused, but if we start using them to implement a different migration
scheme, won't we break some ABI that we should keep?

Let me know what I can help with,


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