On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 11:41:42PM +0300, Alon Levy wrote:
> It is better to have turbo-jpeg on both ends, but it's independent - decoding
> is probably faster with it too, but this change is just to the encoder. I 
> think
> spicy already uses turbo-jpeg, not sure about spicec.

spicec doesn't know how to use libjpeg-turbo, however there are already
some performance gains from using libjpeg-turbo instead of libjpeg. As I
see it, libjpeg-turbo provides performance improvements in 2 ways:
* decoding/encoding of JPEG images using SIMD
* extra colorspaces, which is a benefit for spice since it doesn't have to
  convert from the colorspace it uses internally to the one expected by

You can benefit from #1 with no changes in your application, all you have
to do is replace libjpeg with libjpeg-turbo on your system. For #2, you
have to make some changes in your application, and this is what my
libjpeg-turbo changes did to the mjpeg encoding in spice-server.

Hope that helps,


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